We’d love you to join us over Easter week! March 28th-31st!
17th - Maundy Thusday
Maundy Thursday Fish and Chip supper | 7pm
Maundy Thursday Service | 8pm
Fish and chip supper together in the Lounge before our Maundy Thursday service at 8pm.
A reflective and creative communion service.
18th - Good Friday
Messy Good Friday | 10am
Join us for a Messy Good Friday from 10-11.30am. Activities, crafts, games and worship for all the family.
Hours by the Cross | 1-3pm
Four 30 minute reflections helping us to journey through the hours leading up to the Crucifixion. Each section includes a short reflection, worship, and silence. Please feel free to come for one 30 minutes section or longer.
20th - Easter Sunday
Easter Celebration | 10am
Join us for our all age Easter Celebration!